Vascular Surgery Resources
Society for Vascular Surgery (vascularweb.org)
Eastern Vascular Society (easternvascular.org)
Peripheral Vascular Surgical Society (pvss.org)
American Venous Forum (www.veinforum.org)
The Society of Clinical Vascular Surgery (www.scvs.org)
The New Jersey Chapter of the American College of Surgeons (nj-acs.org)
The American College of Surgeons (facs.org)
The Delaware Valley Vascular Society (vascularweb.org/dvvs)
Annals of Vascular Surgery (www.annalsofvascularsurgery.com)
Journal of Vascular Surgery (jvascsurg.org)
VIVA - Vascular Interventional Advances (vivaphysicians.org)

The Vascular Society of New Jersey wishes to thank the following companies for their sponsorship of the
46th Annual Scientific Meeting held on March 7, 2024 at the APA Hotel in Woodbridge:
W. L. Gore Medtronic AlliedOp Lawall Prosthetics & Orthotics Services
Acera Surgical All Care Orthotic and Prosthetic Services BD/Bard Boston Scientific Cook Medical
Endologix Johnson & Johnson Silk Road Med Surmodics Terumo Aortic